We Provide Help...
in a variety of personal and practical ways through our volunteers and team members as well as our increasing network of resources.
In Romania, we come alongside to assist and encourage partners who are caring for older adults who have found themselves in a variety of situations requiring diverse and much-needed assistance.
In North Carolina, we work to help those aging alone remain safe and loved in their own homes for as long as possible. Occupational therapy led assessments allow us to make minor home modifications and provide adaptive equipment as necessary.
We Provide Hope...
Simply by being a listening ear, lending a helping hand, and by sharing the hope we have found through our faith in Jesus Christ.
Wherever we are serving, we seek to lighten the staggering depression and isolation that comes with aging alone.
How We Provide Help and Hope for Older Adults in Need
In 2011 we began partnering with Viorel and Florica Pasca in Western Romania, helping to raise awareness and funds to assist them in providing shelter, nutrition, medical care and God's love for the 64 precious souls they were caring for at that time. Our teams visiting from America once or twice each year delivered Christmas Stockings of Joy, provided shoes, eyeglasses and other practical helps while building treasured relationships. The Pascas currently provide for over 400 people who are elderly or frail and who would otherwise be homeless. To date they have welcomed over 3000 older adults to their care homes. Our partnership with the Pascas continued for 13 years, through 2024.
In 2018 we were introduced to Pastor Mircea Badea and his wife Dana and immediately began dreaming about how Elder Orphan Care could come alongside them as they care for older adults in need. In the years since, and thanks to our generous donors, we have been able to help provide basic necessities for those in their care as well as resources for their ongoing ministry to elder orphans. Our teams visiting from America take time to visit with each individual, listening, praying, and delivering treats and gifts along with the ministry of presence.
At least once a year we train and lead teams who travel to Romania to love and serve older adults in need. Every trip is unique in the types of help we provide based on what our partners identify as most pressing. We endeavor to meet practical needs while also ministering through the gift of our presence.
To learn more about upcoming trips, please email kim.jackson@elderorphancare.com
Safe and loved at home
In Cabarrus and Rowan counties of North Carolina we serve adults aged sixty and older who wish to remain in their home but are at risk of losing that ability due to safety concerns, poverty, or lack of support. We provide friendship, socialization, assessments that are based on occupational therapy, purposeful projects, minor home modifications, and assistance with necessities.
To learn about volunteer opportunities, click HERE or email janna.syester@gmail.com