Not everyone looks forward to holidays, and when you're aging alone, seasonal celebrations may bring more dread than joy. Unless, of course, you have opportunities to gather with others in like circumstances and people who are delighted to be with you!
In North Carolina we host several seasonal celebrations each year, usually hosted at a local church. Our volunteers provide transportation for our older friends and area youth groups provide entertainment and gifts. Sponsors provide delicious treats and gifts. Laughter abounds and friendships are formed!
Near the end of one celebration, an older friend was seen crying. When asked if she was OK she replied, "This has been fabulous. I don't want it to end! I want to stay in touch with everyone at my table."
If you'd like to help at one of our celebrations, please email janna.syester@elderorphancare.com. If you have a club or business that would like to sponsor one of our events, we'd love to talk to you as well!